Monday, August 27, 2012

Our First Day of School

If this morning was any indication of what the coming school year will be like, I'll just crawl back in bed and stay there until June 6, 2013.

As I looked over "first day of school" posts and pictures of smiling faces on Facebook, I wondered if anyone else had a tough morning. Maybe tough is not the best descriptor here. Rotten is a better indicator of how our morning started.

I know parents who have the joy of getting their children to school have some rotten mornings. There will be times when deep sighs of relief are heard when the last child has been dropped off. I've been there many times.

But the first day of school?

I don't know what happened this morning. We've never had a first day of school like this. First, my two youngest got up an hour early. It was nice for them to get up on their own, but an hour is a long time to wait. Then the problems started. The youngest one's moods went from whiny to cranky to downright defiance.

Then came the teenager. I understand I'm not the only one who deals with a teenager attitude, but the excitement of starting high school should have overshadowed the sarcasm.

To top it off, we pulled out of the driveway fifteen minutes later than planned. Amazingly enough, the one child who didn't give me trouble this morning was the child who checks my patience every other day.

Somehow, we made it to the schools on time, and I managed to capture at least one smile for the camera.

For now, I will console myself with my favorite part of the first day of school: an early bedtime.

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