Monday, October 31, 2011

Reasons I Run

It was late at night, after the kids had long been asleep, when I took a break from my computer and made my way to the kitchen.  That was my first mistake.  My second mistake was taking the container of ice cream out of the freezer.   Using my best motherhood justification, I reasoned there wasn’t enough ice cream to split four ways.  I saved myself the trouble of a dispute between children. 
In the past, this scenario would've loaded me with guilt, and I would’ve gone to bed beating myself up over my lack of willpower with food.    
No longer.
There are people who don't understand why I run.  There are people who think I'm crazy for wanting to run a marathon.  Why would I want to spend hours running each week?  Why would I want to run 26.2 miles all at once?  
Well, for those of you who feel that way, here's my list of the most important reasons I run:
1.  Donut shop Fridays 
2.   I buy treats for the kids that I like too (see above example).
3.   There are some days I just want to run away (Who can't identify with this?)
4.   It’s hard to cry while running (goes along with reason #3).
5.   It’s cheaper than counseling (see reasons #3 & #4).
6.    I’m trying to set a positive example for my children (the antithesis of reason #2).
7.   To prove to my first track coach (my dad) that I may have some athletic potential after all.
8.   I’ve seen parts of my city on foot I would never have seen otherwise.  
9.   Donut shop Thursdays 
10. I just like to run. 
Crazy, I know.  But I'm okay with that.

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