Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Results of The Scale Project

Last week, I decided to take a break from some numbers, and spent a whole week without keeping track of my calories or stepping on the scale.  I wasn't sure how I would fare, but I survived, and  [gasp!] my clothes still fit.

Here are a few of my thoughts from the week: 

Day 1 - I thought about food less, and there was less snacking.  More importantly, there was no bedtime munching.

Day 2 - I had lunch with a friend and didn't cut the mayo from my sandwich.  Oh, and I had onion rings.

Day 3 - I didn't realize pulling out the scale each morning was so ingrained in my morning ritual, and it's making me a little anxious not knowing my weight.  


Day 5 -  Due to a crisis with our water heater (insert future post topic here) the night before, food was fuel today.  Isn't that how it should be?  

Day 7 - I'm feeling a bit fluffy and wonder how bad the scale will jump in the morning, but that doesn't stop me from indulging in a donut Sunday morning and a slice of cake Sunday evening.  

The result:

My indulgences for the week included - but not limited to - onion rings, apple fritter, real ice cream, a donut, and cake.  The party is over.

I stepped on the scale yesterday morning to a gain of one pound.  That's not a big deal, but I know I indulged more because I didn't keep track of what I ate.  The "no weigh-in" was the hardest part of the week.  I compared this week to how I feel after a race.  After weeks of following a training schedule, my mind needs a break from figuring pace and distance.  So I just run based on how I feel.  This gives me time to refocus my goals.  This was my weight break, and I've refocused.    
Going forward, I have decided to keep my positive attitude during the week with once a week weigh-ins, but I will still keep track of my calories daily.  I'll see how this process works.  My personality is too obsessive to let it go completely, and with an upcoming marathon Sunday I need to make sure I get a certain number of calories and carbohydrates (just another number to track).

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