The events of last week included the first week of school, my youngest starting Kindergarten, and me leaving my job to homeschool one of my children. This left me with plenty of material I could write about today,but with all the activity and drama, it was a single quiet moment that caught my attention.
I consider myself fortunate that my oldest daughter still prefers to sit with me for Sunday morning services at church. During the sermon yesterday, Ashley whispered to me that she didn't feel well. Then something remarkable happened. She put her head on my shoulder. Now that may not seem like a big deal to some, but she's thirteen, and even though I wasn't completely surprised, this little action caught me off guard. I was afraid to move, afraid to breathe, so I sat very still and held my breath waiting for her to be the first one to move. I can't predict if it will ever happen again, and I wanted to savor the moment.
Later that afternoon, we attended our choir's music program, and Ashley again sat next to me. This time, her younger sister was sitting on her other side. At one point during the program, I looked over to see eight year-old Abby resting her head on her big sister's shoulder. Ashley caught my eye, and smiled at me with that good big sister smile. I smiled back, hoping she experienced some of the same emotion I had earlier with her.
Since my youngest was born almost six years ago, I vowed to take more time to enjoy my children while they're little and value the little moments. Yet, so often, I still find myself rushing through. I am blessed to have those instances when my children's actions take my breath away.
What about you? What moment has taken your breath away lately? I'd love to hear about it.
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