Monday, August 22, 2011

Simple Truth

This past weekend my husband was cleaning out the car, and brought in a paper my daughter had left by her seat.  It was her second grade Sunday School handout from last week.  I was working at the table, and he sat down and started reading it.  I became amused as he asked me for a pen and started working the questions.  He then passed the paper across the table to me, and I saw what he was working on.  The lesson covered Matthew 6 and was about worry, which is something I'm quite proficient at.  The question he had answered on the sheet asked you to list the things you weren't going to worry about and would let God handle.  I took the pen from him and added my worries under his.

This paper had one of those pictures where you color in certain squares, such as all the squares with one dot, to see what the picture is.  While he was doing this my daughter came in the kitchen and saw what he was doing.  She told him how she learned that we shouldn't worry about having food or anything.  When he finished coloring the picture, we could see that it was a bird.  She said, "Daddy, God takes care of the birds, and he takes care of us."

I needed that lesson Saturday.  We have taken a big step in faith in our family, and the worry monster has been trying to creep in.  There's nothing like a gentle reminder of truth from an eight year-old.

Have you had a simple lesson shown to you recently?


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