Monday, June 25, 2012

Cut the Clutter

For the past two weeks, I've been summarizing my progress through a 15 day writing challenge.  If you missed it up to this point, you can read it here

I planned to finish up this week, but to be honest, I want to give the last few days the justice they deserve.  I need to make some changes that will take a little time.  Fortunately, I have a break coming up this week that will allow me to focus on those changes. Thanks Mom and Dad!

The challenge for day 11 involved a word I love to hate. 


Oomph!  As much as I hate clutter, I have a knack for keeping it around.  But this challenge also entails cutting the clutter in your writing.   

The post came in the midst of cleaning out for a yard sale, so my house was in chaos.  We had piles of clothes, toys, and dishes in every room.  The clutter has been building, and I haven't been able to use my computer desk because of much needed filing.  I've been spending my time writing on my bed with the laptop.  It does get a little uncomfortable after awhile. 

I read the challenge, looked at my desk, looked around the house, then tabled day 11 until after the weekend. 

Today I took five minutes, and moved the piles of paperwork out of site.  I reclaimed the desk chair from my daughter's room, and set up my laptop for an hour of clutterfree writing. 

As far as decluttering my writing, I try to do that on a regular basis.  I like to keep my blog posts to the point.  I typically edit them down several times before I hit publish.  As a fellow reader, I know time is limited, and I want you to feel your time was not wasted.    

I also want to know - how do you stay on top of clutter? 

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