Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Telling My Secret

Shhhhh.  I  have a secret.  It's a secret I've been hiding from for years.  I can't believe I'm even writing about it now, but I've decided it's time for a confession.  If there are any other moms out there who carry this same secret with shame, do not fear.  It's time to be bold and confident.  It's time to be yourself!

Well, maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit, but I do have a confession.  I'm not Suzy Homemaker, Betty Crocker, or June Cleaver.  Martha Stewart is way out of my league.  I don't sew elaborate costumes or decorate bakery quality cupcakes for my children.  Even though I was taught early on to sew and bake, I don't do well in the kitchen and I've forgotten how to thread my sewing machine.  The year my daughter needed a colonial style dress for school, I called my mom (a very qualified seamstress).  I cringe when my children tell me about upcoming activities that require creativity, competence, and an abundance of time - three things I'm short on.     

Every year, the AWANA program at our church has a drive-in movie night.  This is great fun for the kids, but there's one exception that holds me back.  The kids make a car.  The first year, my smallest child's group was using toy cars.  My other children had a choice of picking a toy car or joining in with someone else.  Fortunately, there are always a few handy folks who make two and three seaters.  Last year, I opted out and we stayed home.  Yes, I know.  Pathetic.

But this year I couldn't stay home.  I didn't know what to do, so I avoided thinking about it.  Then I was made aware of a nice water heater box, and how that would make a nice car for drive-in movie night.  I wielded a can of spray paint and put way too many hours in (with some help from the kids), but there were positive results.  

It may not have been the best car on the block, but there were smiles all around.  Isn't that all that matters anyway?

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