Monday, September 26, 2011

Did you not know...

I can still amaze my children.  This is a big deal to me.  I rue the day I'm no longer a superstar in their eyes.  It's already becoming that way with my teenagers, but my younger ones still have times when they're wowed by me.

One night I was helping my youngest get ready for bed.  He started Kindergarten last month, and he is learning so quickly.  This was our conversation:

"Mommy, do you know how many months there are?"
"Yes, I do.  Did you learn that at school today?"
"Yes.  Mommy, tell me how many months there are."
He gives me a big smile.
"Mommy, do you know how many days of the week there are?"
"Yes, there are seven."
"Oh, man!  You know everything!"

He had such a look of awe on his face because I knew the answers to his questions.  The first year of school all of my children have learned rapidly.  I look forward to hearing about new discoveries.  I relish the way their face lights up with fresh knowledge. 

I still need to do that myself.  I should continually be learning, and enjoy the process along the way.  I want to read more and explore interesting ideas.

At least once a week, this little five year-old will start a sentence with, "Mommy, did you not know..." and then proceed to tell me what new fact he's learned.

What fascinating information have you recently discovered that could finish that sentence?

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