Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goal Check

What better way to end the first month of the year than by evaluating your progress on the goals you made?  I hope you were able to set some goals for different areas of your life, and find a way to make some things happen!

I took a look at how I've been doing so far, and I already see some areas that need a change.  On the other hand, some of the goals I set have made a real difference in my daily life.  That's a good thing.  Here are some quick notes on my personal evaluation.

1.  Getting up at 5 a.m. is hard.  I've had a lot of trouble with this one.  There have been a couple of days that I made it out of bed near 5, but for the most part 5:20-5:30 seems to be the standard.  I even tried setting my alarm for 4:50 to see if that would help.  I'm going to continue working on this one, and I did start going to bed earlier (before 10) to make sure I'm getting enough rest.

2.  I need to expect trials based on whatever scripture verse I'm learning each week.  The first week was tough with Ephesians 4:29.  I would like to make this a family thing so that I'm doing my job as a parent by teaching my children dilligently.  I completed my first month's reading of Psalm and Proverbs.  If I ever need a little motivation the 31st chapter of Proverbs gives me a good kick, especially the line about rising while the household is still asleep. 

3.  Working on my book has not been enough of a priority.  This is why I need those extra 30 minutes in the morning.  I've pushed aside my smaller goals with this.  I haven't had enough urgency to work on it, and I need to improve my thinking process.

4.  I can do a pushup.  Never mind the fact that I have to do them girly-style.  My health goals have been a good challenge for me, but not to the point where I'm not too exhausted to do anything else.  I have increased my strength gradually over the past few weeks.  My first attempt to run a half marathon under 2 hours was this past Saturday.  I finished (official time) in 2:00:35.  Now that's close!  I was pleased with my performance because I finished strong.  My two fastest miles were the final two.  I'm currently searching for a race to make my next attempt probably in March.

5.  After my last posted about posting weekly on my blog, I missed a week.  Go figure.  Since I began this blog in July, I have posted something new each week.  I don't know what happened last week, but it got away from me.  I think I need to stick to a specific day and get some deadlines in place.  That will help with my book writing too.

I hope by writing about my goals, I haven't seemed self-righteous or pompous.  Not only did I want some accountability by putting my plans in print, but I also hoped that it would help others view dreams and goals in a different light.  I also wanted to point out that it's okay to evaluate, change, and reset at any time.             

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