Friday, January 13, 2012

Goal 2: My Health

I started lining out some of my goals with last week's post.  I wanted to start with my faith to keep my priorities straight.  It seems logical to me that the next area of my life to focus on would be my health.  I'm not just talking about my physical health, but my mental health is just as important.  I tried to keep them simple, because I could easily overload my mind trying to improve myself.

Mental Health

1.  Read 12 books this year (6 nonfiction, 6 fiction)
Some of you out there may be rolling your eyes at this one.  Only 12 books?  Well, it may not seem like a lot, but for me to take the time to sit down and read consistently (and stay awake) is a challenge.  I'm also very picky about what I spend my time doing.  I don't want to read garbage.  To keep things fresh, I'm going to alternate between fiction and nonfiction each month.  The good news is that I'm one chapter away from finishing my January pick which was nonfiction.  If you have any suggestions for good fiction, please let me know.

2.  Start getting up at 5 every morning.
This goal helps me in other areas of my life.  I've started the last two weeks getting up at 5:30 so I can get in my quiet time and a few other things before I start waking children for school.  If I can bump it a little earlier, then I can accomplish more.  I'm taking it a little at a time so my body doesn't shut down at 8 p.m.  By the end of the month, I plan to meet this goal and February will make it a habit. 

Physical Health

1.  Become a stronger, faster runner 
This step requires a few mini goals, such as: 
a).  Add more "runner foods" to my diet
In the past I've had the attitude that I can eat what I want because I run.  Lately, I found that I was running solely to burn the donut, cake, hot fudge sundae, etc...  I want to improve my diet so [most of] the foods I'm putting in my system are making me faster, not fatter.
b).  Add strength training to my routine
Research shows that a strong upper body can help you run faster.  Ugh!  I'm a little weak in this area.  I've never been able to move below the first or second weight on the machine for arms.  It was quite entertaining for my children this week to witness that I can only complete (not quite) one pushup.  I hope I can work my way up to 5 by the end of the month.  This is my least favorite goal.   

2.  Run a half marathon below 2 hours, and set a new personal record for the marathon.
I'm working on my calendar this week planning my next races so that I can meet this goal.  It looks like my first shot to break my half marathon time goal will be on January 28.  The second part of this goal requires I find a race to run that does not involve north wind and a downpour.
These goals are going to keep me busy, and some of them are going to challenge me physically as well as mentally.  What about you?  Did you set any goals to improve your health?

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