Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wrapping Up the 15 Habits

Here is the much-awaited final post summarizing my progress on the 15 day writer's challenge.  Thank you for obliging me these past few weeks.  It's only taken me about 30 days, and I am motivated by my progress.  I also have a lot to learn.  

I took a risk last week, when I published this post .  I thought about how I usually play it safe with my posts.  I don't like conflict, and I want people to like me.  I like to write about my children when they are sweet and funny.  But I also need to stand up for my convictions.     

I will be putting more effort into sending my work out for publication.  My problem is not fear (too much), it is in getting bogged down as a mom of four.  I am ashamed with what little it seems I've accomplished the past year in this area.  This will change.  

I reviewed my purpose and brand.  I hear a lot about brand or platform for writers.  I took a good hard look at my blog, which is my main marketing tool right now.  I definitely need to update my photo, and make a few changes to the settings.  But I mostly focus on the content.  When I set up the blog, I didn't want to limit myself to a particular topic, even though most of the posts are about parenting or my children.    

This brings me to the day 15 challenge.  I enjoy writing, and I write what comes up in my life.  But from my readers, I want to know what interests you.  I hear from some of you that you enjoy reading my blog, but what is it that makes you come back each week?  What do you want to see more of?  How can I make this a better blog for you? 

It's been exactly one year since I published my first post.  Can you believe it?  Thank you for sticking with me! 


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