Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012: The Year of...?

This is the time of year when you hear people talk about making resolutions.  I stopped doing that a few years ago, when I realized my yearly attempts would most likely be broken.  Then I would feel bad about myself for my lack of follow through. 

Now instead of resolutions, I make goals for myself.  I don't wait until the last week of December to do it either, this is a continual process throughout the year.  But each December, I do look back at what I've achieved over the year, and instead of seeing lack of ambition, I view my successes.  This is much more rewarding, and helps me move forward and build on my goals. 

2011 for me was a big year with beginning this blog, starting to write my book, and undertaking the huge task of homeschooling my high school aged son.  All of this started in the summer.  I ran my first marathon this December.  If I had set resolutions at the end of 2010, I guarantee you none of these things would have made the list.  In fact, after I finished my first half marathon in December 2010, my first words to my husband were, "I'm not ready for a marathon."

Don't wait until the end of the year to make the changes you want to make.  Set goals year-round, but use the end of the year to reflect on what you've accomplished.

Next December, you can look back and say, "2012 was the year of..."   

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