Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Marathon

I ran my first marathon on Sunday.  It was a big day.  The notion of running a marathon first came to me in high school, when I chose it as the subject of a research paper.  It was one of those way out there goals that I would get to “someday.”  20 years later, I can say I’ve done it.

My training began on August 1st with typical dry, Texas temperatures of over 100 degrees.  Sunday’s race had temperatures around 40 degrees and falling, rainy with a blustery north wind.  What a difference!

Even with the weather the way it was, I was determined not to let it dampen my mood.  I was going to soak in the whole experience.  

Now I'll stop with the bad weather puns.  Here are a few of my initial thoughts after Sunday's marathon.

·         Nike Dri Fit really works!
·         I don’t want to look at another banana for the rest of the year.
·         The hardest part was the walk to meet my husband and daughter after the race.

And most importantly - 
·         Why can’t I take a good post-race photo?  I always look completely beaten down. 
On a more serious note, I was excited to be there.  I loved the fireworks during the national anthem, the number of volunteers handing out water and Gatorade, and the cheering spectators who braved the cold, wind, and rain, and lined the miles of the course.  It was a tough run, and I did struggle with some of the later miles more than I thought I would.  Miles 21-24 were the toughest, but I finished.   

I don’t know if I can accurately describe the feeling of crossing the finish line.  To complete something I’ve worked so hard for.  It was worth it.  Running a marathon may not be anywhere near your list, but I encourage you to find a big goal to work on.  It's amazing how it feels to finish.

The question was recently asked of me, “Will you do it again?” 

What do you think?

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