Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Am a Writer

In the spirit of keeping my blog posts in line with my life (you never know what you're going to get), I am going to deviate from my food fight this week.  This is something I'm still working on fervently, and I will update my progress toward the end of the month.  In the meantime, I've started a new challenge that I'm excited about.
Almost a year ago, I started this blog to overcome a fear.  Or substantiate my dream.  Either way I look at it, I've enjoyed the challenge of creating new material for you to read.  But as I stated from the beginning, I want to take my writing to another level.  As I reflected on the past year, I was not content with my progress.  I wanted to focus on writing regularly, and keep fresh ideas consistently flowing.  While the latter goal is moving forward, the former is not.  I write sporadically, when the kids are quiet, or when I can stay awake late (thanks Diet Coke).

Isn't it funny how things come along right when you need them?

I ran across a link on twitter,which I hope is key to moving me forward in my progress.  I joined a 15 day series to mastering great writer habits by Jeff Goins.  I actually joined the day before it started, so I'm on track.

Here's what I'm putting into practice so far from the first two habits:

1.  I'm a writer.  If you didn't know that, you do now.  I will no longer say "I don't work."  I will not refer to myself as a stay at home mom (even though that's a tough title on its own).  Simply put:  I Am A Writer!

2.  I made myself get up early this morning and spent almost two hours working on a book.  I plan to post more about that specifically later on.

I'm excited about what's to come, and I hope you'll enjoy following this journey with me.  And if you have the desire to write, but do not know where to start, you can join the journey too!  Just click on the link above.  For extra accountability, I'll be updating my progress a couple of times a week.  I'll also be searching for additional sources of caffeine. 



  1. Great stuff Eileen!

    I am also trying to be a better writer. For my journey, I just read Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott. It was VERY helpful. I also just read Platform by Michel Hyatt, the former CEO of Thomas Nelson. Both helped in different ways. Hyatt quotes and retweets Goins a lot. I need to check out more of his stuff. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Paul! I will look into those books you mentioned. Reading is a big thing I have trouble finding time for, but it's so important.
